Public health insurance

Public health insurance begins at birth for persons with permanent residency in Slovakia and for dependent family members who were born to a policyholder in another EU/EEA Member State.

Slovak permanent residents are eligible for public health insurance from the date of receiving permanent residency or from the day following the termination of circumstances that qualified them for an exemption from compulsory health insurance.

Individuals without permanent residence in Slovakia are eligible for public health insurance from the day when they start meeting one of the conditions for public health insurance, despite not having permanent residency in Slovakia


Compulsory public health insurance 

Public health insurance is in general mandatory for every individual who has permanent residency in the Slovak Republic. A foreign national who obtains permanent residence in Slovakia shall sign up for public health insurance within 8 days. In some cases, exemptions apply.

Public health insurance is also compulsory for a person who does not have permanent residency in Slovakia, but meets one of the following conditions:

Exemptions from public health insurance

Public health insurance is not compulsory for a Slovak permanent resident who is neither employed nor self-employed in Slovakia and is:

Payers of health insurance premiums

According to the Health Insurance Act, health insurance is premiums are paid by:

The requirement for public health insurance in Slovakia under the Health Insurance Act does not mean that the insured person must also be the payer.