Free Advice and Services


Expanded free services


Migration Information Centre IOM (MIC) within the Recovery and Resilience Plan of the Slovak Republic provides:


Migrant Support:

  1. Open Slovak Language Courses 
  2. Employment Counselling
  3. Legal Advice 
  4. Financial Contribution for Educational and Retraining Courses 
  5. Financial Contribution for Recognition of Completed University Education from Abroad 


Migrant Employer’s Support:

For employers planning to employ or already employing foreign nationals with higher qualifications in highly skilled positions, the MIC provides free legal counselling and training.

For more information

Employment of Foreign Nationals in Slovakia

Employment of EU citizens.

If you are interested in specific online training, please contact us by email: 


Slovak Returnees Support:

MIC also provides its services to returnees - citizens of the Slovak Republic who live/lived abroad and who plan to return to Slovakia.


The above free services are available for the following groups:  

  1. highly-qualified foreign nationals (with university degrees) from EU/EEA and non-EU/EEA countries and their family members,
  2. foreign university students with valid residence in the Slovak Republic studying at a university in the Slovak Republic and their family members,
  3. international researchers and talent from EU/EEA and non-EU/EEA countries and their families.




IOM Migration Information Centre (MIC) activities supporting the labour mobility and integration of migrants under the Recovery and Resilience Plan of Slovakia are funded by the European Union – NextGenerationEU.

Contact us

Tel: 0850 211 478
(reduced tariff calls only from Slovakia)

+421 2 5263 0023
calls from abroad)

Consultations in Ukrainian and Russian

+421 908 767 853 (voice calls only)


Opening hours

MON,TUE,THU: 9,00 - 12,00 and from 13,00 - 17,00

Until further notice the IOM Migration Information Centre  provides its services only via telephone and email. Personal consultations are provided by appointment.


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