Child Care Allowance

In order to cover the costs necessary for child care, the state contributes to the parent or to a natural person to whose care the child was placed by means of the child care allowance. Upon meeting certain conditions even a foreigner with a temporary or permanent residence on the territory of the Slovak Republic is entitled to receive the allowance. 

Child care can be provided as follows:

For the purpose of receiving a child care allowance, the term child refers to the following:

The entitled person:

Conditions for arising of the entitlement:

The entitlement arises for each child of the entitled person. 

The entitlement to the child care allowance does not arise in the following instances: 

How to apply

The application for child care allowance is submitted in writing by the entitled person to the Office of Labour, Social Affairs according to the place of permanent or temporary residence.

The entitled person is obliged to prove in particular the following:

Amount of benefit

The amount of the child care allowance per calendar month is provided as follows: