Pregnancy benefit
- Last Updated: 28 December 2023
Pregnancy benefit is a benefit provided within the social (sickness) insurance, in which the insured person contributes to the social security system and if she meets the conditions for payment of pregnancy benefit, this benefit will be provided. The purpose of the pregnancy benefit is to provide the recipient with an income to compensate for increased expenses during her pregnancy.
ATTENTION: This benefit is not to be confused with the pregnancy scholarship provided by universities to pregnant students.
The eligibility conditions for the pregnancy benefit are the same for all applicants, regardless of their nationality and type of residence.
Eligibility conditions:
- pregnancy, which has not been terminated by the beginning of the 27th week before the expected date of childbirth (i.e. beginning of the 13th week of pregnancy)
- sickness insurance with the Social Insurance Agency – contribution to the social security system
- period of insurance – must be at least 270 days in the last two years prior to the beginning of the 27th week before the expected date of childbirth (i.e. before the beginning of the 13th week of pregnancy). The period of insurance also includes the period of parental leave.
Period of entitlement to pregnancy benefit payment
- from the beginning of the 27th week before the expected date of childbirth until the date of pregnancy termination.
The benefit is payable from the date of arising of the entitlement to pregnancy benefit.
Amount of pregnancy benefit
- 15% of the daily assessment base (or probable assessment base); the amount must not be less than the benefit determined from 10% of the maximum daily assessment base.
Claiming the entitlement
You can claim the pregnancy benefit by submitting an official form issued by your attending physician at the local branch of the Social Insurance Agency. Before sending the form, you are required to complete and sign the 'Declaration of the Insured Person' (page 2. of the form). You can also submit the form using the e-form available on the website of the Social Insurance Agency.
Once your pregnancy has ended, your attending physician will issue you with a Certificate of Termination of Pregnancy, which you will present to the local branch of the Social Insurance Agency that pays the benefit.
You can find more information about this benefit on the website of the Social Insurance Agency.
The pregnancy scholarship may be granted to a pregnant student with permanent residence in Slovakia who is not entitled to receive a pregnancy benefit. The purpose of the pregnancy scholarship is to cover increased expenses related to the student's health condition, special material needs and preparation for childbirth. It is not a social insurance benefit; it is provided based on Act No. 131/2002 on Higher Education Institutions. More information can be found on the website of the Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport of the SR (in Slovak).