Free Advice and Services


Legal Advice

We provide free legal advice for migrants in the following areas:

  • we primary offer legal advice and assistance in the areas of residence and immigration law, as well as related advice in employment, business, family reunion, housing, social security, healthcare and health insurance, education, citizenship, and other areas of life and residence of foreigners in the Slovak republic;
  • depending on our personnel capacity, we offer legal assistance services in the form of preparing or correcting relevant documents for administrative authorities as appeals and other legal documents;
  • consultations are primarily provided in Slovak or English, and depending on our personnel capacity, also in Ukrainian and Russian or other languages.

Contact us

Tel: 0850 211 478
(reduced tariff calls only from Slovakia)

+421 2 5263 0023
calls from abroad)

Consultations in Ukrainian and Russian

+421 908 767 853 (voice calls only)


Opening hours

MON,TUE,THU: 9,00 - 12,00 and from 13,00 - 17,00

Until further notice the IOM Migration Information Centre  provides its services only via telephone and email. Personal consultations are provided by appointment.


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