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How to Get a Job in Slovakia - Advice for Refugees, Temporary Refuge Holders or Asylum Seekers from Ukraine


As a citizen of Ukraine, I can stay in Slovakia for 90 days under the visa-free regime. I am not obliged to immediately apply for any form of international protection or temporary refuge, but I am obliged to report the address of my stay to the Foreign Police within 3 working days of entry to Slovakia.

A. I cannot work or run a business during my stay under a visa-free regime (90 days). I do not have public health insurance during this time.

B. If I have been granted temporary refuge (ODÍDENEC)

  • I can work full-time or part-time, or work under an agreement on work performed outside the employment relationship. I can run a business (or be self-employed);
  • As an employee, I am insured with public health insurance, provided that I earn at least the minimum wage;
  • I can work only on the territory of the Slovak Republic.

C. If I have been granted asylum or subsidiary protection (refugee status)

  • I can work full-time or part-time, or work under an agreement on work performed outside the employment relationship. I can run a business;
  • I do not need any additional work permit;
  • I am insured with public health insurance;
  • I can work and run a business only in the territory of the Slovak Republic.

D. If I have applied for asylum:

  • For the duration of the crisis situation in Ukraine, me and my husband/spouse, we can work full-time or part-time, or under an agreement on work performed outside the employment relationship. However, we can not run a business. (this applies to me even if I am not a Ukrainian citizen in case I am a parent of the minor who is a Ukrainian citizen)
  • As an employee, I am insured with public health insurance, provided that I earn at least the minimum wage (In case I do earn less than minimum wage, I am only entitled to receive urgent medical care)
  • I can work only on the territory of the Slovak Republic.

Looking for a job 

I can look for job offers through well-known job portals, which are now providing a special section for people arriving from Ukraine.

In case I need assistance or counselling on labour market orientation, language education or requalification, I can find more information on the website of the Migration Information Centre.

The minimum wage in Slovakia in 2025 is 816 EUR per month (gross). The average wage in Slovakia is 1 430 EUR per month (gross). I can look up an average wage for the concrete positions at

Necessary documents

The employer is obliged to report that he/she employs a foreigner, so I need to provide him with the following documents:

  1. If I am granted temporary refuge - the employer will make a copy of my passport (if I do not have a passport, a copy of any identification document) and a copy of the document confirming the temporary refuge (or a copy of the document confirming a tolerated residence);
  2. If I am granted asylum or subsidiary protection – the employer will make a copy of my travel document, foreigner’s travel document or foreigner’s passport and a copy of the residence card;
  3. If I have applied for asylum - the employer will make a copy of my asylum seeker ID card.

In most cases, no additional documents are needed to work in Slovakia. However, there are some professions where additional documents are required. These are, in particular, professions for which a certain education is required, the so-called regulated professions. For more information on the recognition of education, I can contact the Centre for Recognition of Diplomas. The extract from the criminal record register that is normally needed for the performance of the work in the public interest or for the pedagogical work, can be replaced with a declaration of honour.

Dangerous practice

I must be careful:

  • if someone offers me a job without accurate information about the name of the company, place of work, work activity or salary;
  • if someone offers me a job and asks me to hand over my travel document;
  • if the employer does not sign an employment contract with me or the employment contract is written in a language which I do not understand;
  • if someone offers me a job for which they will not pay me a salary, but only provide me with accommodation and food;
  • if I am offered a job by an intermediary agency which wants me to pay a fee for the provision of the job.

In case I have doubts about the job offer or need advice, I can contact:

  • International Organization for Migration – IOM: 0907 787 374
  • National Helpline for Victims of Trafficking in Human Beings: 0800 800 818 (24/7)

If I want to learn more about how to safely look for a job and not become a victim of human trafficking, there is a page for me which is available also in Ukrainian language.

Other useful information can be found in the information leaflet of the Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs and Family of the SR.

If the employer does not pay me a salary, does not comply with the conditions agreed in the employment contract or infringes the Labour Code in any way, I can contact the relevant Labour Inspectorate or ask for free legal counselling:

Employee rights

In the labour market, I am guaranteed the same rights as an EU/EEA citizen, and I am therefore entitled to:

  • the minimum wage – 816 EUR gross (approx. 706 EUR after payment of contributions to the health and social insurance fund and tax);
  • 20 days of leave per calendar year (25 days if I am over 33 years of age or I will turn 33 in that year);
  • Bonus payments for night work –1,876 EUR /hour, on Saturdays – 2,345 EUR /hour or 4,69 /hour on Sundays;
  • the meal allowance if I work more than 4 hours during the day, otherwise it is the employer's responsibility to provide meals in a catering establishment);
  • a rest period of 30 minutes if the work shift lasts longer than 6 hours;
  • health insurance, which will provide me with free medical treatment in state facilities (some treatments are partially paid by the patient) and medicines prescribed to me by a doctor (it is partially paid by the patient);
  • social insurance, which allows me to receive part of the salary (55% of the daily salary) in case of an inability to work (more than 10 days).

Termination of employment

The probationary period may be agreed for a maximum of 3 months. During this time, I can quit my job immediately and without giving any reason. During this period, my employer can similarly terminate the employment, immediately and without giving any reason.  Termination of employment has no effect on the legitimacy of my stay in Slovakia.

After the end of the probationary period, the work is terminated by termination (if I work less than 1 year, the notice period is 1 month), by agreement or immediate termination of employment (in case of serious violation of professional discipline).

Working through the Agency

I am not supposed to pay any fee for being offered a job via a temporary employment agency.       

The Agency shall assign me to work with the employer.

During the assignment, the salary is paid to me by the Agency.

The list of agencies that are authorised to assign employees can be found on the website of the Central Office of Labour, Social Affairs and Family where I can verify whether the agency has the necessary license. An agency without a license is not allowed to employ me.

Even if I work through the agency, my minimum rights (minimum wage, length of leave, etc.) are preserved.

Working in another EU/EEA country

  1. If I am granted temporary refuge in Slovakia, I can only work and do business in Slovakia. If I decide to work in another country, I will first check the rules for entry and employment with the competent authorities in that country.
  2. If I am granted asylum or subsidiary protection in Slovakia, I can work in another EU/EEA country only if I obtain a work permit there.
  3. If I have applied for asylum which has not yet been decided, I must remain in Slovakia and cannot work in another EU/EEA country.

Contact us

Tel: 0850 211 478
(reduced tariff calls only from Slovakia)

+421 2 5263 0023
calls from abroad)

Consultations in Ukrainian and Russian

+421 908 767 853 (voice calls only)


Opening hours

MON,TUE,THU: 9,00 - 12,00 and from 13,00 - 17,00

Until further notice the IOM Migration Information Centre  provides its services only via telephone and email. Personal consultations are provided by appointment.


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